
Using default flags (SGL2022).







Preferences doesn't affect the randomization and can be enabled/disabled without any impact on gameplay.

General Information

ROM File
This Final Fantasy Mystic Quest randomizer is only compatible with the NA v1.0 or v1.1 rom file (v1.0 MD5: da08f0559fade06f37d5fdf1b6a6d92e / v1.1 MD5: f7faeae5a847c098d677070920769ca2).

Game Changes
Bug Fixes
The most serious bugs from the original game have been fixed, including the Dark King taking damage from the Cure spell.

MSU-1 Support
The MSU-1 chip is natively supported by any randomized rom and no additional patching is necessary. To learn more about MSU-1, read the Getting Started Guide or the FFMQ page at

Archipelago Support
This randomizer is compatible with the multiworld multi-game randomizer Archipelago . Read the Setup Guide for FFMQR to know more.

Exit Book
Casting the Exit spell on the Overworld now brings you back to the starting location (Level Forest in most settings).

Gameinfo Screen
The Start Menu has a new option, "Gameinfo", that will show some useful in-game informations: Sky Coin fragments requirement, enemies' resistances and weaknesses shuffling, and Companions' quests and spells.

Pazuzu's floor rng (ie which floor he will randomly jump to when talked to) is fixed for a given seed and he will already be on his initial floor instead of all seven floors when entering Pazuzu's Tower.

Progression Changes
It's no surprise that FFMQ is a very linear game and so several changes have been made to open up the game and avoid deadend scenarios.

All the locations are accessible from the start, except for the path North of Libra Temple (which require the thawing of Aquaria to open up) and the bridge between the Volcano and Aquaria (which require defeating Dualhead Hydra). You still need the Coins to open up the gates in the Focus Tower to reach the 3 areas beyond Foresta.

Focus Tower
The column is at the right place so you can go to Fireburg as soon as you get the River Coin.

Spencer's Place
To dislodge Mac's Ship you need to enter from the Rainbow Bridge with the Mega Grenade. Spencer will still be there to give his item after the cave has collapsed.

Minor Dungeons
You will have to defeat Snow Crab, Medusa, Gidrah and Dullahan to get the chest in their respective dungeon. Note that Medusa has been moved to the Mask chest location and is not found at the top of the volcano anymore.

Companions won't leave your party unless you meet another one and you can always go back to them to change your party.

Kaeli: Kaeli will only join you when you show her the Tree Wither and will give you an item if you defeat the Minotaur with her. Once you cure her with the Elixir, you will be able to find her back in Windia where she will give you another item the first time you talk to her. She isn't required to enter the Giant Tree.

Tristam: Tristam will be in Sand Temple and will give you an item in Bone Dungeon; after that he will be in Fireburg and will give you another item the first time you talk to him.

Phoebe: Phoebe will be in Libra Temple and will give you an item in Wintry Cave; she WON'T give you an item in Fall Basin. After that, you'll find her in Windia.

Reuben: Reuben will always be in his house in Fireburg. He will give you an item on the ledge in the Mine (replace Phoebe's Fall Basin item).

Other changes
Wakewater: To thaw Aquaria, the Wakewater is required now instead of defeating the Ice Golem.

Tristam's Chest: A chest locked with the Venus Key in Spencer's Cave now contains the item replacing Tristam's Dragon Claw.

What's my go mode?
While all Quest Items should be obtainable in every seeds, to finish the game you'll only need:
  • Sword
  • Mega Grenade
  • Dragon Claw
  • Sun Coin
  • Sky Coin
  • Thunder Rock
  • Captain Mac's Hat
  • Mobius Crest

Logo designed by Nutmeg Nautilus

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